
Just your regular glow-in-the-dark flower.

Sometimes it is the little things that make a difference. I had a training run this morning and besides the hilly parts that are always somewhat torturous (aside from running that is a torture all its own) I was feeling good. But a tight IT band started to cause a little discomfort around 8 miles in. As a result, I adjusted my gait slightly to compensate for that and instead of stopping or slowing down for just a few minutes I pushed through it. So as of writing this a few hours later my knee and ankle are quite sore. Fortunately, a bit of stretching and getting acquainted with my foam roller should fix things pretty nicely.

But every time I get up or have to use the stairs I am acutely reminded of how much little things can make a difference. I posted 2 pictures today. the top one is just slightly out of focus on the front petal, a very minor adjustment in the second one fixes that.

I’ve often heard people talk about not being able to make a difference. On a grand scale that might be true. Few people make a difference to millions or billions at a time. But sometimes making a difference only takes a very small change. To be sure, it might only make a difference to one person or in one situation, but shouldn’t that be enough or reason enough to try?

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