Glowing Ball

Glowsticks and origami.

Not sure I have anything profound to say today. So, it is a lot like other days. It has been a long week already and I’m more tired than I should be on a Tuesday, so I will just leave you with a picture of a glowing origami ball.


You know, this is not how I pictured Michigan at all.

This picture reminds me of a picture that a friend of mine took. Of course his was in a river with big rocks and running water. He said that the rocks reminded him of candy. He was the photographer that inspired me to take up photography. So, Dee, I guess this one is for you.

Dee Baxter and his wife were kind of like a second set of parents for me. They lived across the street in the circle. I have a photo that he took hanging on my wall of a ski racer at Snowbird. He died from ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) so not cancer, but still nasty. I didn’t do the ice bucket challenge; this photo will have to be my tribute to him.


Like sunflowers, only smaller and less desirable.

Van Gogh had a field of sunflowers to paint, I have a yard full of dandelions. So, without cutting off an ear, I channeled my inner Van Gogh and took a picture of some of the yellow horde in the yard.

Tomorrow is a group ride with the Huntsman Heroes, so despite it being in Utah County, I’m looking forward to that. It is a cool thing to ride with people who have the same purpose. Especially, when that purpose is to help get rid of cancer once and for all.


Or maybe prospectless.

This is a sculpture my dad made in clay. There is also his trusty mule that is supposed to be at his shoulder as if to say, “It’s alright.”

The mule is missing its ears so I didn’t set it up next to the old prospector. Maybe that is ok. Sometimes it feels like the whole world is against you and you don’t have anyone on your side and all you get out of the river is fool’s gold. I think that is how the miner is feeling right now.

Some days when life kicks us in the teeth, we have our trusty mule nearby to let us know he’s there with us and everything is going to be alright. Hopefully, it is more often the latter and not the former.


I’m barefoot because USB 2.0 shoes are so last year.

I got outside today, but it was to till the garden. So when the dark clouds rolled in I decided it wasn’t a day for an outdoor shot. Trying to figure out what to do I decided that this little guy needed a geek chic fashion makeover. I plugged in the first three USB devices that I could find and took this picture of the USB person looking fabulous!


I tried tiptoeing through them and stopping to smell the roses.

A little sun, a little wind, and a few flowers. It is a beautiful day today and so I went out in the yard and snapped a few shots of the tulips. I kept the depth of field as shallow as I could. You can see that the flowers in the back are out of focus and the foliage just kind of fades into the background.

Ooh Glowey

This is what tomatillos would look like on Three Mile Island.

This was what I originally planned to do with those tomatillo skeletons last week. I thought that the glow in the dark stuff would just absorb into the little cages and it would end up being a cool glow in the dark thing. It’s funny how things don’t always end up the way you think they will. The glow in the dark liquid didn’t really stick well at all and to you can see where it filled in the gaps but didn’t really give the effect I was after. I thought that it was kind of interesting anyway, so I went with it.

Bird of Prey

This is not the scene of the crime, there is a pile of feathers in the grass.

Working in the yard I found some leftover pieces of last year’s tomatillo plants that I thought I might be able to do something with for a picture today. But later on I looked out the window and saw this hawk or whatever it is in the yard. So, I got out my long lens and started taking some pictures. I realize that the composition of this picture is not fantastic because of the fence, but I though it was kind of cool to see a hawk carrying a pigeon up onto the fence.