
Hey, there aren’t any bananas in this tree.

Since it is the end of January, I was thinking about how we are a month into a new year, and well past the point where we are pretending to have resolutions that we plan to stick to for another 11 months. And as I looked through some pictures I thought about the physics class where you were asked where to shoot to hit the monkey if it let go of the branch at the same time you fired. The right answer, if you didn’t take physics, is at the monkey. Why, you ask? Because gravity.

Gravity pulls down on us all and if we don’t keep reaching for something higher, we all slip down and end up hitting a target lower than we intended. Sometimes, it is so easy to forget what we were aiming for because of the forces around us that continually pull down on us.

That which does not kill us may make us stronger, but that which makes us stronger sure can be painful. The good news is, that usually the pain dulls after a while and we can carry heavier burdens the next time. Sometimes when we have that strength, we can pick up those around us and let them lean on us for a while when things are too heavy for them.


My, what a long neck you have. All the better too eat the tops of the trees with.

Today I looked through some of the pictures that you saw littering my floor two days ago and picked a giraffe as the subject of today’s post. I didn’t just throw them all on the floor because I wasn’t pleased with some of them, it was a matter of needing to spread them out to dry. Then for the picture I gathered them together to illustrate how many experiments I had gone through for the day.

I wasn’t planning to do a whole bunch of these animals, or at least I didn’t plan to make them a recurring theme in any of my posts, but as I worked on them I thought they might be a fun print that a child would enjoy. And they were abstract enough that I think there might be a lot of stories that one could come up with while still being able to identify the animal in the picture. The lion from a couple of days ago might be an exception. The more I look at it the more I’m not positive it captured “Lionness”.

I think that it is important to imagine things and to be creative. So, I leave you with blue giraffe eating green leaves and splashing in a puddle, or whatever you imagine it to be.

USB Port

Look at the C.

Today I thought I would photograph a USB port. You can dock your computer, watch the data flow, or sit back and look out at the C. If you’re up to it you can load some cargo if you watch out for memory leaks. I’m going to stop right there, but feel free to carry on with the puns and plays on words, there are a lot more that can be added here.


On the hunt.

This is the picture I decided on for the day. A lion hunting in the grass. I thought that today I would put a second picture in the post, just to illustrate the process that went into today.

This is the floor of the studio today.

I went through a lot of paper and lots of different animal ideas and quite a bit of food coloring. It has been a long day of trying some things out and seeking to get a picture that I wanted to use. Maybe I will use some of the stuff in the pile at a later date.


You have to cross those bridges before you burn them… or something like that.

Bridges. Sometimes you have to cross them and sometimes you have to burn them. And sometimes you have to photograph them. This one looks pretty sturdy, although not all of them do. Bridges span gaps and bring things that seem dissimilar together. They have lots of uses both literally and figuratively.

Maybe we should spend more time building bridges to help us cross into new territory and burn the ones that allow the shadows of the past to follow us. Maybe we need to see where they go or stand on them and watch the river flow past below.

Desert Rain

When I looked at the mess I made yesterday the pile at the top looked like clouds, so I just went with it.

I wasn’t sure what I was going to do today. I did a picture similar to this two days ago but it was a lot less messy. But the piles of salt that were left after working on the picture yesterday reminded me of clouds and so I added some color let it run and photographed it.

This picture isn’t very polished and I thought about spending some time to clean up the edges and to try a few other things but in the end I decided that I would just leave it in its raw form. Sometimes imperfections are interesting to look at and they add elements that allow ones imagination to take over.


Don’t look too closely or the camel may spit on you.

Today I was toying with the same idea as yesterday, but instead of just making the picture and photographing it I printed it on paper and photographed it. My floor looks like a multi-colored zoo at the moment, but I thought that it was interesting enough to put up this camel as the day’s post.