
It has taken a few weeks to start getting back into things. Aethbert the penguin is the first of my creations to go into this project. I finally had an idea of what to do with the prescription bottles that I emptied of change. His friends will be showing up as the year progresses and maybe I will do something special with them as the year draws to a close. There’s no telling what will be next.

Inertia had me stalled for a month or so, but once you overcome the stagnation and start moving then you build momentum. It’s still a bit difficult to get into things some days. Truth be told, I never thought I would have a blog. If you have a blog and no one reads it, does it really count?

Pop used to have this duck keychain. If you pressed on a button on the side, an LED in its mouth would illuminate and it made a quacking sound. He used to amuse children with it. Maybe I should have started with a duck instead of a penguin, but for some reason, maybe the fact that it’s the tail end of winter, I went with a penguin. It’s funny the associations you make with things. Not funny – ha ha – but interesting what things remind you of people or places.

I added another rose, for pop. The rose bushes are covered with snow and need a good trimming right now, but I see them almost every day. I remember the time that pop didn’t have clippers and bit the rose off the bush to give to someone passing by. And I remember all the times he left them in his pockets. He did that with chocolate too. Fortunately it was usually still in the candy wrapper or that would have made quite the mess.

I’m starting to consistently work on this now, though and even though I feel a bit behind I’m starting to make forward progress again. Sometimes that just what we need.

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