
Food coloring on ice does different things then on water.

I expected that the food coloring would spread out on the ice (or the layer of melting water on the top) like it does in water. I was surprised when it found cracks and things to creep into.

Sometimes I just experiment with ideas. Sometimes they work out and sometimes they don’t. I’m not sure where I categorize this one. I think it is interesting what happened but I’m not sure anyone else will find it interesting or appealing to look at. That is one of the risks that you take when you share something with other people though. Sometimes you are misunderstood, sometimes you just aren’t interesting to them, and sometimes you are a great success.

With the odds clearly not in your favor, in terms of outcomes, it can be easy to not want to share. It is much easier to just do nothing and not risk the rejection. I wish I could say that I didn’t feel that way, but I do. It would be nice if I didn’t think about others’ opinions, but I do that too. If only I didn’t really care about this project, it would be so easy to just post and not worry, but unfortunately, the project is meaningful to me, which just makes it that much harder to share. No one wants to share something personal with people who will possibly mock it or even worse, be indifferent to it.

Regardless, I will keep working on this project for the next few months and keep hoping that someone else finds it meaningful.

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