Fluffy Slippers

They’re so fluffy!

At the end of the day I’m just putting my feet up and relaxing with my fluffy slippers on.

Today was the Huntsman 140. It is always an emotional day as you write the names of the people you ride for, the people you have lost on the ground at the starting line and then ride 140 miles with others who are left a list of their names at the starting line too.

I’m blessed to have a great group of friends to ride with. It was a pleasure to ride and talk and spend the day with some really great people. One of those really great people gave me the slippers. Thanks, Dana.

It is truly humbling to see all the names and spend time with the people. Sometimes you get to hear their stories, sometimes you get to tell them yours. And you hold them while sometimes they cry or you just hold on, knowing that you share something important, something that can be painful or if you are lucky something that turns out to be a miracle, something to rejoice about.

But now it’s time to rest the legs. For a day or two anyway.

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