Marathon Morning

Because, of course it would.

I was going to just do another candy animal today, but when I got up this morning to go run the Salt Lake Half marathon, I was greeted by this scene in the back yard. Yeah, snow in the middle of April and on race day no less. But I finished in just over two hours.

The marathon is always a good day. In spite of the residual pain and suffering, there is always the pre-race meeting with all the Huntsman Heroes for a picture and then seeing them at the end of the race too for the after party. It is a fun way to get together with the people that are all hoping for a cure for cancer and raising money for cancer research.

Candy Rhino

This is the nerdiest rhino ever.

This rhino was going to go to USC, his mother sacrificed her horn to ensure it. Now, she’s going to spend a few years in the zoo… Too soon? Unlike that joke, this rhino is not in poor taste. It is very sweet.

So, today I signed up to ride LOTOJA again. I guess I’m a glutton for punishment, but I already registered, so time to fundraise and train. I sure hope that this rainy season we are going through gives us at least a few sunny days. I’m sure I’ll be wishing for the rain when it is in the hundreds in a few months, but for now I just want to get outside and ride. Running will be over on Saturday and then it’s pedal, pedal, pedal until November.

Woo Hoo!


More from the apricot tree.

Just a different view of the tree in bloom.

The Salt Lake Marathon (half for me) is only days away. That has me thinking about why I run and why I am working on this project. I have to make a confession — I hate running. But I like the people that I run with, and I feel like I need to support them the same way they supported me when I needed it. And I do it to support cancer research, because who knows, maybe the next study will cure kidney cancer and I won’t lose any more friends or family members to it. Or maybe it will find a cure or treatment for one of those other cancers that are just a death sentence with chemo along the way.

So the blossoms on the tree are just that new chance for a new year that some of us have, and a reminder of those things we were going to do but didn’t have the chance because, well, cancer robbed us of the chance.


Popcorn popping on the apricot tree.

The trees are starting to bud and bloom and the apricot tree is completely white with blossoms.

Today was the final training run before the Salt Lake half marathon next week. So in 7 days my running will be complete until November, which is nice. Then it will be on to cycling to raise money for HCI cancer research.