
But why is the bear multicolored?

There are days when I am just messing around with an idea. Today it was shaping and coloring salt. Once I got the bear shape I had a bunch of salt that was piled around near the outline and when I started putting it all together I thought it started to look like a chunk of ice. So I put the bear on top of it and that is what you see above.

It was my intention to do something different with the bear but, as often happens when you are trying something new, it didn’t work out the way I was thinking it would. Sometimes that leads to some really disappointing results and other times it leads to something great. Many times it is something in between. The process can be a lot of fun though.

I have been posting pictures for a few months and coming up with new ideas every day can be stressful. Especially, with a limited set of materials to work with. On the other hand, it does force me to try new things and to think differently. That is a good thing. I think it is easy to fall into patterns that keep us in our comfort zones and don’t make us stretch. So forcing ourselves to do things that we normally wouldn’t can be beneficial.

Does this river seem hot to you?

…Or to take arms against a sea of troubles…

I’m not sure why the soliloquy from Hamlet came into my mind today but for some reason I seem to have been channeling my high school self. I guess it must have been a really bad day…

Actually, it has been a decent day, but nevertheless I got some lines from the bard in my head. And when I thought about a sea of troubles it just seemed like a roiling sea of fire might be exactly the image I wanted. With a little paper folding and something flammable, we have the picture above. Unfortunately, the rest of the fleet didn’t survive the photoshoot and took a trip into the briny deep.

If you look closely, the model boat didn’t come out of this unscathed. But at least in the picture it hasn’t gone down yet and maybe it will come out of this whole thing in one piece. Here’s hoping.

This flower smells like brimstone

What a pretty flower… Oh it burns it burns!

I haven’t taken a picture with fire in it for a while. But today was a good day to do so. I feel like I need to warn people not to play with matches or go take pictures of burning things (especially ones that you have caused to burn) without taking proper precautions. I think that flame can make for a striking picture, but it is better to not take a striking picture than it is to burn your house down.

Not all of my pictures directly (or indirectly for that matter) relate to cancer, but I was thinking about it today as I was working on an idea for my post and I’m so often struck by just how destructive it is. It’s kind of like fire. It can almost strike anywhere and at any time and it is so disruptive. It takes beautiful things and destroys them. You don’t have to be the one with cancer to get burned either, it harms everyone and everything that are near. And in the end you are often left with ashes.

Fruit Slices

Um… I think there’s something wrong with that fruit.

After I took a picture of the citrus fruit I wondered what it would look like if I dried the slices out. It wasn’t as cool as I had hoped so I decided to add a splash of color. After throwing some food coloring on it I got this more colorful picture.

On another note, if you plan do to this make sure you don’t have anything nearby that you don’t want to accidentally throw food coloring on. Just saying.


To prevent scurvy eat this picture.

Today I decided to actually cook. It happens from time to time. And while doing so, I thought that maybe a some nice citrus fruit would make a decent picture.

Today we ran for the father of one of the other Huntsman Heroes. It always sucks to hear about someone with cancer, a friend, a co-worker, a neighbor, but it’s always worse when it is family. So, while citrus fruit doesn’t have much to do with cancer, it has been on my mind today and my thoughts and prayers go out to people with cancer and people with loved ones with cancer.


A different kind of quarter.

Today I kind of checked out. It’s easy to do with Netflix or social media or any other numbers of distractions. Some days you just do what you have to do and others you embrace all of the should dos, could dos and have to dos and go about life. I’m not sure whether just taking some time in a day to disconnect from all of that and turning your brain off is wise, but that is what I decided to to this afternoon.

I had a different idea going into what I was going to post today, but as I just put in my headphones and concentrated on something frivolous and unimportant I just let my hands work somewhat mindlessly and ended up with a few things to photograph, most of which were failed experiments. So in the end I just felt like something colorful and simple with a pattern to it seemed the right thing. I guess I wanted to do something a little more abstract because it was one of those days you can’t describe, and more to the point you don’t want to really try.


Twinkle twinkle…

I was thinking about the song Starry Starry Night and decided that I should to something with stars today. I’m not really sure what else I should say, I have a lot of thoughts about things today but nothing that I feel like writing about. So, I am going to leave the picture of stars and let you decide what to think about it.

I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Stand That Guy.

They all fall down, except for the guy who caused the whole mess.

Today I just thought there was another picture in the USB person vein. But with all that long hair how do they not get tangled up with each other? The answer is they do. You can see right here the mayhem that ensues when one of the USB people grabs another one by the cord.

USB People

They aren’t weak, they’re wirey.

So at work today I found these USB hubs that they were trying to get rid of. I thought I could probably do something with them so I took these three and set up this picture of the dancing men. In this post they came out looking a little less well lit than the picture so I may have to adjust the exposure a bit and update it later. Or I may just leave it unless there is interest in having a copy printed.

In any case, I just thought that today I would do something that seemed fun. I hope that you like today’s picture.