Birds of a Feather

…Don’t sing karaoke?

Spent the evening with some friends. They are basically a second family to me. It is amazing how a pretty diverse group like we have has come together as a community that supports each other, sometimes with some pretty hard stuff — cancer, tragedy, sitting on a bike for countless hours. Ok, so some of it isn’t exactly hard stuff it’s more fun.

But it’s nice to have a group of people like that, that are there for you when you need them.


After a full day of eating this, I just want to eat food for a while.

I am posting a second post today, because I was having some technical difficulties and wasn’t able to do the other one yesterday. Still sore from riding my bike on Saturday, but I thought I should just post all the crap that you eat all day long when you spend all day riding.

By the end of the first hundred miles, it’s hard to eat solid food (at least for me) and by the end of 200 it’s just hard to want to eat another gel or bar or drink with electrolytes.

In fact, I want to eat real food and not any sweet snacks for the next little while. It’s going to be nice when I can sit down without hurting and stand up without difficulty. I’m hoping to be back to normal in a day or two.

Tumor Raiders

What a beautiful window.

Saturday was LOTOJA. This was the back window of our support vehicle. Lovely day for a bike ride. Not such a lovely day to be a bum that had to sit on the bike all day. I got to the finish line with a couple of teammates although the sign was down at the end and I did end up with a DNF. But it was good being with my teammates and having all the support of friends and people out on the course.


I surely hope those aren’t buzzards.

I have been preparing for LOTOJA tomorrow so this morning I have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off. But I saw all these birds circling over the mountain. I’m not sure what kind they are, but I sure hope that they aren’t vultures and that it doesn’t portend something dark for tomorrow.